Judy Coffman
Coffman is a 16 year resident of Port St Lucie (originally
from Michigan) and has been active in arts and crafts all
her life. Her
education includes a B.S . degree in Education and
a B.F.A. in Fine Arts with a major in ceramics.
She also studied pottery at EWHA University in Seoul,
Korea and Auburn University at Montgomery, AL.
Her favorite mediums include oil, pastel, colored
pencil, Oriental brush, collage, cutting silhouettes and
pottery. She
especially enjoys painting cats in all mediums.
She believes the nice thing about art is
art is an integral part of life: there is always
something new to try and experiences to expand.
It can be an historical record, a creative statement,
a declaration of emotion or a form of therapy; in short, art
views and convictions are as vast as the people who create
them and the people who view them. A piece of art is a
shared idea and, at its very best, a shared experience.