The Marsh Rabbit Gallery was founded in 2004, by artist Bonney Clewes Schermerhorn, as a venue for local artists to come together to exhibit and sell their works. To date, the Gallery represents nearly 40 different artists in media ranging from quilting to oil paintings, water colors to jewelry and pen and ink to “found object” art. The Gallery has something for most everyone, so please come by to see the collection!
 Bonney was born and raised in Massachusetts. She is a graduate of House in the Pines and received her Bachelor of Fine Arts from Beaver College (renamed Arcadia University in 2001). While her main focus has always been as a freelance graphics artist, Bonney has also taught art in public schools, continuing adult education, private instruction and summer camps. Much of her work consists of pen and ink drawings and wood block prints; however she is also fond of working with watercolors and ceramics. Her illustrations were published by North Country Books in the 1980 edition of Letters from Carrie. Her work has been exhibited in New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and Florida. Bonney’s interests include a range of art from classical to folk, playing bridge, reading, antiques, swimming, horseback riding and animals of all kinds.